Friday, June 29, 2012

Hobby Update: And the other randoms

In an attempt to pique the interest of some of my board gaming friends about playing what I totally swore was a skirmish game, I acquired a pair of War Machine starter boxes quite some time ago.  Since then, they've languished in their primer.  I understand that put's me in the conversation for best painted at a War Machine tournament...  I kid, of course!  But seriously, one of the new guys at the club comes to us from playing War Machine, and I saw an opportunity to maybe get a little bit of use out of my small crew of Jacks.  It turns out they're super easy to get painted.  I knocked out the big jack while taking breaks from the Possessed, and the little ones in about 20 minutes apiece.  They aren't much more than table top quality, but I don't feel like putting a large amount of effort into models for games that I doubt I'll play a whole lot.  Still, a sense of accomplishment is always a nice thing.  You might recognize the color scheme.  I swear I know that other colors exist.  The first Jacks I painted were actually for use as Obliterators in 40K, so in an effort to be able to use them for both games, I found my options pretty limited.  I think it works pretty well though.

My other stated goal from previous updates was to get the Nightbringer fixed up and ready for paint.  A cursory glance told me I'd need a little green stuff.  When I started the more involved work, I found the work would need to be a bit more expansive.  Obviously that didn't faze me much, as I've got more than a few colors already on this bad boy.  I am starting to wish I had been a bit more patient.  I am careening forward without a plan beyond simply, "Make it green."  It's a more complex model than I initially thought.  The model has a robe that wraps around the body, parallel to the ground.  This breaks up the flow of the model.  The initial inspiration for the whole army was actually a simple dark to light transition on this piece.  Now I find I need a new plan.  I may go with all green on the robes, with black skin and green highlights.  That seems to be the simplest of solutions.

1 comment:

  1. Yo! Looking forward to a Cygnar vs. Cryx battle box game! I'll often die from Deneghra spamming Venom through one of the arc node bone jacks. Keep at least one of them out of melee but in spray distance and it often means my caster is dead in one turn (which means I loose).

    Anyhow, looking forward to it!
