It's been a minute since I've thrown any models up here. I've made plenty of progress, but that is what's supposed to happen over the course of three weeks.
I've managed to do something somewhere between an update and a redo on my Dark Apostle Daemon Prince. Previously, he had white armor with black wings. Now he has black armor with white wings... so the opposite. But with a lot more colors applied and technique. The wings started with Dawnstone, Badab Black, Codex Grey, then finally Skull White with a quick drybrush of the new dry compound Praxeti White. From a distance, they look great. Close up, I am less sold. A few of the lines are a little less clean than I'd like, but I think the biggest issue is I may have left too much of the dark coloring behind. I'm not sure how feasible it would be to fix without redoing the whole thing, so I think I'm going to make my peace with it. I also redid the shoulder pads and highlighted the robes. Previously the colors were clean, but flat, which was typical of my painting back in the day. With a new Chaos book coming up, I really want to have my army up to what I consider my current ability to be. This guy is definitely going to be a centerpiece so I'm glad to have him done.
My Defiler has been a pretty regular presence in my Chaos Army over the last few months... or always, I suppose. It has always been an awesome model and being able to throw around a battle cannon shot is a lot of fun. However, part of the model's cool factor comes from its size and design, which makes it tough to transport elegantly. Because of this, his spiky bits tend to take a lot of damage. I got fed up with it this week when he took a tumble and one of the legs popped off. I gave the others a pull and they actually came off pretty easily. Before I knew it the drill was out and magnets were setting in the glue. Despite repeated testing, not all of them were set the right way. As a general piece of advice, definitely set the magnets that are harder to get in first. Now the model breaks down into eight pieces that fit perfectly into one of the random extra slots in my carrying case that is currently unoccupied. My big problem is the guy is a little finicky about standing up. It was top and forward heavy to begin with, and now the legs tend to spin and slide out from under him. I might try a second magnet, but we'll see. And of course there's the high possibility that they just give the walker a base when they update the book in a month or so.
I showed off the Possessed Marines I finished in one of my last hobby posts. I was hesitant to start the next batch right away since I was hoping to acquire two more bodies and a few arms and legs from some friends. Honestly, I never got around too it and, surprise, surprise, my patience ran out. I raided my own bitz box and came up with an Ork head, some Crypt Horror hands, and a few other bits that got grafted on randomly. They don't fit perfectly, but if you don't know to look for them (cuz you're not me) they'll blend well enough. Now on to paint!
The Nightbringer has seen a fair bit of attention. I've got most of the colors down, but before I can be closer to "finished" status, I need to A) decide if I like the placement of the colors and B) work on getting the colors to blend together more smoothly. If you compare the before and current versions of the model, you can see pretty plainly that the colors are migrating north and becoming increasingly extreme. I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing yet. I think I'm going to remain patient and decide when I've cleaned things up a bit more.
I've managed to do something somewhere between an update and a redo on my Dark Apostle Daemon Prince. Previously, he had white armor with black wings. Now he has black armor with white wings... so the opposite. But with a lot more colors applied and technique. The wings started with Dawnstone, Badab Black, Codex Grey, then finally Skull White with a quick drybrush of the new dry compound Praxeti White. From a distance, they look great. Close up, I am less sold. A few of the lines are a little less clean than I'd like, but I think the biggest issue is I may have left too much of the dark coloring behind. I'm not sure how feasible it would be to fix without redoing the whole thing, so I think I'm going to make my peace with it. I also redid the shoulder pads and highlighted the robes. Previously the colors were clean, but flat, which was typical of my painting back in the day. With a new Chaos book coming up, I really want to have my army up to what I consider my current ability to be. This guy is definitely going to be a centerpiece so I'm glad to have him done.
My Defiler has been a pretty regular presence in my Chaos Army over the last few months... or always, I suppose. It has always been an awesome model and being able to throw around a battle cannon shot is a lot of fun. However, part of the model's cool factor comes from its size and design, which makes it tough to transport elegantly. Because of this, his spiky bits tend to take a lot of damage. I got fed up with it this week when he took a tumble and one of the legs popped off. I gave the others a pull and they actually came off pretty easily. Before I knew it the drill was out and magnets were setting in the glue. Despite repeated testing, not all of them were set the right way. As a general piece of advice, definitely set the magnets that are harder to get in first. Now the model breaks down into eight pieces that fit perfectly into one of the random extra slots in my carrying case that is currently unoccupied. My big problem is the guy is a little finicky about standing up. It was top and forward heavy to begin with, and now the legs tend to spin and slide out from under him. I might try a second magnet, but we'll see. And of course there's the high possibility that they just give the walker a base when they update the book in a month or so.
Hobby Accomplishments
-Finished the Dark Apostle Daemon Prince
-Built Possessed Marines from scratch
-Added layers to the Nightbringer
-Magnetized the Defiler
-Wrote rules packet for this weekends tournament... so all in all, a productive three weeks.
-Built Possessed Marines from scratch
-Added layers to the Nightbringer
-Magnetized the Defiler
-Wrote rules packet for this weekends tournament... so all in all, a productive three weeks.
Hobby goals for the next two weeks
-Get the next two coats of red on the Possessed
-Get red and gold on the Death Company
-Finish the Nightbringer
-Get the next two coats of red on the Possessed
-Get red and gold on the Death Company
-Finish the Nightbringer
The DADP might be one of my favorite pieces that you've done (which is saying something). I think the wings look fantastic, and, at least from the photos, I don't think the dark background detracts. The feathers really pop.